'How was school today'? I asked my rapidly growing 11 year old. 'Good' was his single word reply. 'So who did you play with today?' I ventured gamely. 'Random peeps!' was his answer. There was stone cold silence for about 15 seconds. 'Ummmmm...' (I didn't want to sound like some really old and uncool parent but I had to ask), 'Who or what is 'random peeps'?'
'You know', he rolled his eyes and looked at me like I had just stepped off the mothership, 'Random
Oh well der to me! Suddenly, I have been thrust into the 'next generation'. The one that is uncool and knows nothing about anything. And I'm sorry to say, it seems to have happened overnight. One minute I am a hip, up-to-date being and now I am not. I have to have things explained to me by my pre-pubescent son. So I didn't know who 'peeps' were. I don't know how to load an ipod or work the remote on the fancy smancy tv. I wouldn't have a clue what the lyrics to the latest Wolfmother song are (does anyone?) and not surprisingly I have no idea who is going to win the football this weekend.
But I do know some things. I know, for example, where that missing shirt is that he always seems to need but can never find. I know my son's shoe size so that if I see any shoes that I think he'll like, I buy them for him. I know that his favourite home cooked meal is roast with gravy although he really likes my Mango Chicken. I know that some of his 'random peeps' are really nice kids and some I could take or leave. I know who is going to drive him to his beloved footy practice next week and who will wake him out of bed tomorrow to prepare him for his day. I know who will check his homework before it gets to the teacher. I know who will explain to him everyday why he shouldn't be mean to his sister and what the consequences of his actions are. I know who loves him unconditionally and who will be there to support him no matter what happens. Hmmmmmm.....perhaps I'm not so uncool after all!!!!