No, I haven't fallen off the face of anywhere and am not hiding under the desk having a holiday meltdown (although that was tempting at times!)! In fact, I am kinda embarrassed and ashamed that my last post here was over a week ago! Naughty, I know but I assure you that it is just a symptom of life in general, at the moment! Hey, I don't call this blog 'Busy Mum' for nothing!
After two glorious weeks of sleeping in, this week it was back to the grindstone of early wake ups, rushing kids off to schools and trying to earn enough money to put petrol in the car. Yep, it is back to work and now I am a sleep-deprived, stressed mother as well as somewhat functioning worker during the day!
For the last two weeks, I was almost living the life of leisure. Actually, take out a couple of kids and a few stressful moments and it would have probably been total relaxation! The first week of the holidays was spent running kids around. I think it is fair to say that my children have a better social life than I do. You know those bumper stickers that have 'mum's taxi' written on them? I totally understand them now! What they don't tell you is that if you combine the cost of fuel at the moment with a couple friend-oriented kids, then you have a pretty costly experience or ten!
The second week of the holidays was mixed. The fun part was that it was my dad's very important birthday (ie one of those zero numbers!). The not-fun part was that my mum had a fall outside of church a couple of days before and is still on crutches and house-bound. She damaged her knee and cheekbone, got a special trip in an ambulance and apparently didn't fracture anything....although you wouldn't think so to look at her. She is on the mend now, but it is a slow process!
And to top it all off, Dear Husband has replaced the computer once again. This is another long story but goes something like: new computer died-old computer was taken out of retirement-new computer went back to shop for emergency service-new computer was put back and still didn't work so went back again-new computer had major operation and came home fully functioning-old computer was retired suddenly and without notifying most prolific user (ie me!)-so new computer has no new photos on it, hence the lack of picture to this post!!!!!!!!
So that is the last few weeks in a nutshell! Stay tuned for better posts in the future (I hope!). And btw, it is nice to know that I was missed! :)
Slow Start
1 week ago