Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's Raining It's Pouring!

....and I'm freezing!

Winter has suddenly hit here with a vengeance! For a city that, a year ago, was worried that we wouldn't have enough water left to sustain us, we are now finding that there is water everywhere! Well, everywhere that is, except our dams which are still totalling around the 40% mark!

This picture, on a clear day, should show the sand dunes of Moreton Island off in the distance, behind the tree line. The only thing you can see there today is grey!

So, in line with our cold, wet winter, I have dug out more blankets and am spending my non-working days reading (in bed!), watching dvds (in bed!), cooking (in the! Betcha thought I was going to say bed then, too!!!) and trying to get warm in whatever way I can! My slow cooker and oven are suddenly getting a true work out, too as there is nothing nicer than warm soups and casseroles in the cold!

Ok, having said that, I pity all of you reading this who experience truly cold, snowy weather!!! I am obviously a 'tropics' girl through and through and the thought of living anywhere that regularly had minus zero degrees just makes me want to grab another blanket! So I am thinking of my friends and rellies in Tasmania today who, a few days ago, experienced a top of seven degrees while I was roaming around in a thin tshirt and track pants!!! Brrrrr to you and I hope that you are feeling warm warm warm today, too!!!!