Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Could You Refuse This Face?

I must be softening in my old age!

This is the true baby of the house! The one who thinks that sitting on my lap and shadowing me all day is the only way to live (ok, I admit it...that is my daggy old flanny dressing gown under her and no, I don't care what it looks like, only that it's darn warm and snuggly!)

A visit to the vet last week told me that Ruby is in perfect health! And spoilt.......I am woman enough to admit it!

Which brings me to another doggy tale.......this afternoon, after a hell of a weekend, I took Miss 8 to this! She was supposed to be going there with her nanna but do to an unforeseen accident, that wasn't possible, so I trotted over there with her for a couple of hours. The whole place was a dog lover's paradise! Miss 8 zoomed from stall to stall and we got a lovely inspection of the kennels. Every dog we passed just had to be patted and we came away with 4 new mini toy pups for the plush toy dog collection! Tonight, she's put them to good use.....she has up-turned an old play table and had 'created' a guide dog kennel of her own using newspaper, wool and a hell of a lot of sticky tape!

So yes, a dog lover (or two!) does live in this well as one pampered pooch!