I don't usually watch much television. I am usually too busy tending to housework, catching up on work work, sitting at the computer or reading to give much time to some of the artificially induced rubbish that comes on tv. At the moment though, one show has - for the second year running - caught my interest and I admit it, I'm shamelessly hooked!
The Farmer Wants A Wife doesn't just seem like your normal reality fluff. Perhaps it's because a long time ago, I spent four years being a single woman in a small country town and dating a farmer (no, I'm so not going there but let's just say that it ended very badly and made me transfer back to the city as quickly as my stilettos would carry me!) and so have some sympathies with the 'contestants'.
A farmer's life is not an easy one and it is documented fact that here in Australia (can't talk for other parts of the world), single women are not always readily available for dating. I think that this gives greater credibility to the fact that some of the guys on this show are genuinely in it for the right reasons and not, as is often the case in shows like this, looking for their five minutes of fame! Also, one of last year's memorable couples have since married, so it's not that big of a leap to assume that similar could happen in the future! Ok, I admit it, I am just a soppy romantic who loves a good love story! Lol!
And I guess that the culture clash of city-meets-country makes for some hilarious moments. Like the girls who try too hard to impress (bosoms falling out all over the place, skimpy little outfits, over-the-top cowgirl look clothes) to those who just have no idea (high heeled boots in the farm shed!).
So, for all of you who are just as addicted as I am, here are my predictions/thoughts on the six farmers so far:
Rob - It has been documented in Australian media that he has since hooked up with his first pick, Jo and that they are madly, crazily in love! Yay them! I really hope that they have a wonderful future together!
Ben - My favourite! But damn, why does he need a tv show to find a girl? He could find one anywhere, I think! And I love that he is so sensitive and worried over who he should choose, for fear of hurting the other one! *sigh* Sweet!
Howie - He is such a mummy's boy - I pmsl when he packed mum off for a holiday before the girls got there! I can't believe that he had those girls pregnancy testing cows (which involves a long, long glove and inserting your hand into the cow in places where the sun don't shine....ewwwww!). What was he doing? Trying for shock value to frighten them away? Personally, I think that he should have picked the stenographer (or whatever she was) from the top ten, who lived nearby and who he kinda knew. Silly boy!
Michael - I felt kinda sorry for him when one of his girls of choice was hassling him about not making her breakfast. He's young and naive and probably didn't even consider such a thing! Still, at least she was up-front about her expectations, I guess! Quite frankly, I don't know if he'll end up with any of them. Give him a few more years of maturity and I'm sure he'll find someone special!
Nick - Am I the only person who didn't realise that he was Nick Brown as in Brown Brothers Brown???? Far out! A future with him would ensure brilliant wine on the table everyday (including my personal fave of Dolcetto and Syrah!) Yum! I can't believe, however that he chose a nineteen year old (and didn't I laugh my head off when she tried cooking a dessert!)! His other choice of Steph seemed much better although I doubt he'll end up with either of them.
James - I just have one word of advice for the two lovely ladies that he chose for his final two.....Run! Run girls! As fast as you can! Do not pass go! Do not collect $200 or a farmer who doesn't want a wife, but rather a free worker for his farm! He treats his dogs better than you and I'm sorry but a dog sitting and eating at the table like a third person would make me high tail it out of there fast!
So now, I am waiting for Monday nights with baited breath! And I can't wait to see where these farmers end up!
Slow Start
1 week ago