Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh So Typical!

Lately, I have been feeling fat! No more gym due to back injury means that suddenly my curves have become a whole lot curvier and the firm bits are now squishy. Naturally, this is quite depressing and has meant that a lot of last year's winter clothes, once out of summer mothballs, are a tad too tight or too short! Waaah!

So, a clothing store at the local shopping centre was having a sale! Never one to pass up an opportunity, I looked upon it as a good reason to grab so super cheap, better fitting clothes!

Imagine my excitement, therefore, when in the change room, the L (as in 'LARGE') tshirt was too balloony around the tummy and too droopy on the shoulders! Yippee! I am always a L in tshirts so this was a real morale boost! Out I trotted into the store to get the size M (as in 'Omigod, I fit a MEDIUM'!). It was perfect and in a gorgeous colour to boot, so I added it to my 'buy' pile, threw the 'non-buy' pile back on the rack and happily bought a few nice things to upgrade the wardrobe.

Yesterday, I decided to wear my snazzy new tshirt. I proudly strutted around in it all day thinking about how much slimmer I must look because of course, it was a M. And by lunchtime I was even wondering that perhaps I should have even tried on the SMALL! That even the M seemed too big. For the whole day, it drove me nuts by constantly falling off my shoulders.

It wasn't until last night, when dressing for bed that I happened to spot the tag!

You guessed it......somehow I'd mixed up the L and the Medium and ended up buying the Large! Der! So much for being proud of feeling smaller! Now I'm just embarrassed for being a shopping air-head! Good bargain = not so good after all! That's life, I guess!