Sunday, June 1, 2008

Is It A Catholic Thing?

Miss 8 was miffed! She (according to her) was the only child amongst her classmates who did not get rosary beads as a gift for her first communion. So, being nudged by guilt, I took her to mass this evening with the intent of buying some at the little shop outside of the church.

Naturally, she picked the shiniest ones which just happened to have beads in the shape of girly and so typical of her!

The woman at the counter, at the end of our transaction, suggested that we canvas the priest to have the rosary beads blessed. So, we lined up with others outside of his little room at the back of the church (I'm sure that room has a special name but I have no idea what it is) and waited while he quietly blessed the beads.

Miss 8, feeling proud of her newly blessed beads, was holding them carefully as we left the church. She hesitated, however before we walked outside, into the rainy evening.

'What is wrong?' I asked! 'We need to get a move on'!

'I can't', she replied. 'Or else the beads will get wet and the blessing will wash away'!!!!

Photo courtesy of