My Dear Husband has a terrible habit of bragging at what a good cleaner he is, when in reality he just takes the clutter and hides it! He usually finds a box or bag, fills it and then puts it in another room so that the room that he 'cleans' looks fantastic but the real cleaning is hidden, waiting for me to sort out!
Last week, I stumbled across one of his 'hide the clutter' efforts in an unused drawer of the filing cabinet. Feeling energetic, I decided to sort it out!
Well, there are rewards for the hard working because, in an unopened envelope I found a very nice, healthy cheque that DH didn't even realise he had!
And so, doing what any good (read 'overworked and unappreciated!') wife would do, I banked the cheque and went on a spending spree!
Appreciate below then the fruits of my shopping labour:
Two brand new dinner sets (hey, its predecessor was chipped and cracked so we needed a new one! And you never buy just a single dinner set for your day-to-day use!)
A new purse for me (the old one was definitely broken!)
Birthday presents for upcoming friend birthdays! Notice that I haven't revealed them here, in case said recipients just happen to stumble along here:
New pink igloo bed for Ruby....the old one needed replacing and it gets so cold in the laundry at night in winter! ;)
A new serving plate to replace one that the 12 year old broke.
And lastly (and the best bit!) a new pair of shoes for me!!! After all, a girl always needs new shoes, right!
Oh what fun....there is nothing like a spend up and unfortunately, they are few and far between around here!
And in case you are wondering....yes, I did tell DH that I spent his cheque and of course, I could justify every little thing that I bought.....well.....almost! Tee hee! ;)
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