Friday, November 14, 2008
Why Not!
I have a skirt. It isn't an expensive skirt nor is it particularly flashy. It's simple and brown and I bought it for a very small sum. But I really like it. I like the way that it fits. I like the way that it swirls. And I like the way that it has pretty little sequins sewn around the lacy hem. I have always kept this skirt for night wear. Not that it doesn't 'work' in the day time but rather because it works even better at night when the light catches the sequins and when I can wear spiffy tops with it and feel a bit special.
But today, I had an epiphany! I looked at my massive pile of ironing and I looked at my empty shelves of 'day wear' clothes. Then I spotted my favourite brown skirt and decided....why not! Today, why keep it 'for good'? Why not wear it just because I darn well feel like it!
I've heard it so many times before, but for some reason today it rang true. How many times have we held back and not used something or not worn something or not consumed something....all for the sake of 'keeping it for good'?
Now, as a collector of 'old stuff' I appreciate that without the philosophy of preserving items, I wouldn't have my gorgeous cupboard of china nor my shelf of old tins. I wouldn't have a lot of furniture in my house, including that fantastic silky oak desk that you catch a glimpse of in the above photo.
But today I just didn't care! I decided to treat myself by wearing my fancy schmancy, swirly, whirly skirt around all day! And I did! And you know what???? It felt darn good, too!
So I am claiming this weekend as 'treat yourself' days. Do you have something that you haven't touched or put away in a special place and hardly ever use it? Do you have a dinner set that you only look at or jewelry that is too flashy to wear in the day time? Perhaps it is a special bottle of fragrance that you only wear occasionally or food that you only buy once in a while. Today, go out and use it/wear it/try it! You'll be so glad that you did!