This is the hand that played on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the hand that ran into big brother while playing on the trampoline.
This is the hand that has a finger that swelled right up after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the hand that spent Friday night at the Royal Children's Hospital Emergency Department after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the hand that got x-rayed at the Royal Children's Hospital Emergency Department after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the hand that has the finger that chipped a bone and tore tendons from the growth plate after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the hand that is now in a splint for about three weeks after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the hand that has an appointment with the orthopaedic specialists after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
This is the child (with the wild hair!) that owns the hand that chipped the bone and tore the tendon from the growth plate after playing on the trampoline with big brother.
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