I have pondered as to whether I should post this. I am usually very protective of writing/publishing stories that identify my children but considering that this is such a huge event, I thought that I should share it here.
A couple of weeks ago, both of my children auditioned to be in the new Powderfinger video. Yes, yes, I know.....I'm a bit of a PF fan, so imagine my delight at even being there. In his audition, my son was asked what his favourite music is. His reply was, "Wolfmother! But I don't mind some of Powderfinger's songs because my mum plays them all the time in the car!" Rofl! Embarrassing but probably true.
Anyway, a couple of days later we got the call to say that my son had been selected for one of the roles. What followed was 2 days (over a weekend) of excitement and an experience into the world of filming. And let me tell you, it was just like what you'd see on tv: big booms, cameras, makeup and wardrobe stylists everywhere, the director yelling 'Action' across a crowd of screaming kids....it was like another world really.
One highlight for me was meeting Darren Middleton, from the band. And yes, I did the most embarrassing thing and asked him to sign my cd cover. He is a very quiet guy but was totally lovely to everyone....especially the kids. He signed autographs for them all and had photos taken with them. He really seemed like a nice person.
I have learnt a few things, too. Firstly, that I am sooo not a stage mum! Standing around sets all day is tiring...especially if you aren't doing anything. The 2nd day's shoot went over time and we were still there at night - freezing and exhausted from doing nothing but standing around all day!
The other thing I have confirmed is what a truly incredible son I have. Sure, there are times when I could dearly give him away, but he just amazed me. He was confident and performed on cue as soon as the director yelled 'action'. Who would have thought he had it in him??!! I asked him afterwards if he had the acting bug now. "Mummy", was his reply, "This is a once-off"! Ahhh well, so close to having a little star in the family and yet now so far!
So here is the clip. The song is called 'I Don't Remember' and it was filmed at Samford, one of the outer Brisbane 'burbs! I am not going to tell you which one my son is (although all my friends reading this will know already) but I will give you a hint....he is on the stage! Watch out for it this weekend on the tellie, too.