Dear Husband and I were driving out to dinner with Miss Nine in the back seat. Our conversation was centred around the fact that we have both decided that we need to lose a couple of kilos!
Both of us at the time were lamenting on how, in the process of driving to an all-you-can-eat restaurant, we needed to not over-do things as we didn't want that 'Bler, I've eaten too much and I feel uncomfortable as well as guilty' feeling!
"Never mind, Mummy" Miss Nine pipes up from the back seat, "It's just all in your genes!"
I thought then about how I somehow inherited my nanna's curvy figure and how, as I've hit that middle age have felt like I'm developing the 'spread' that is so common on my mum's side of the family! :( Yes, I decided, Miss Nine is is all in the genes!
"You know Mummy, it's easy to fix" Miss Nine spoke out into the street-lit darkness.
"It is?"
"Yes! All you have to do is undo that little button at the top of the zip and you'll feel much better!" much for blaming it on genetics then!