I am usually a very practical person. I have to be to just survive in my household and my job. I do have a strong belief in afterlife and would love to think that there is 'something out there' but can also be pretty skeptical. I am not the sort of person who sees Jesus in her cornflakes etc, so I have hesitated in posting this story just in case someone thinks that I have seriously cracked! ;)
Last Friday I was terribly, terribly sick - had no voice but had spent the entire day at the eight year old's sports carnival so as to not let her down. I came home, threw my clothes into a heap on the floor and had a warm, soothing shower.
After I exited the shower, I looked down resignedly at the clothes pile sitting on the tiles, knowing that it would take a lot of energy to pick them up. I gasped in surprise, however at the giant water mark that had landed on my tshirt. So surprised, was I in fact, that I grabbed the nearest camera I could find - my mobile telephone - and took a few pictures of it.
My feelings at the time were mixed. I was amazed at the obvious shape, confused as to how it could have happened because I'd only just gotten out of the shower and in awe cause I just felt a pervading sense of love at witnessing such an obvious symbol (I love hearts btw!).
The day after I showed my mum and dad the pictures on my mobile phone. Imagine my surprise then, when they relayed a story that happened around the same day, of a few weird events that happened at their house!
So, what do you think? Is this my own Jesus in cornflakes (Yeah right! Lol!) or is it a sign from someone who just wants to show love? Whatever it was, I thought it was beautiful!