It's been 2 days since the end of this season's series and my friends and I haven't stopped talking about it (yep, soppy romantics that we are!).
So, here are my thoughts on the conclusion to this season's series (I have linked a few good articles to some of the people on the show here, too!):
Rob - Once more this show has been hit with a fantastic 'couple' to represent it! Woo hoo! The bubbly Jo and 'big sweetie' Rob have proven to be a golden couple for this series!
Howie - Am I the only one who noticed that he picked women who looked a tad like dear ol' mum? Ok, you can't force feelings that aren't there but it wouldn't surprise me if Howie's still lonely down on the farm as we speak/type/read!
Michael - I felt so sorry for Michael when Simone rejected him! *sob* I mean, the series is called 'The Farmer Wants A Wife', not 'The Farmer Wants a 'Good Friend'! Pul-ease! I thought that Michael really did do a lot of growing over the course of this and I hope he finds a good lady somewhere!
James - James, James, James!!!! You obviously have no idea about women! Lesson 1 in dating is that women want ATTENTION!!! They don't want their boys ignoring them for their mates! I've read a newpaper article where James has come out and said some not-so-nice things about these girls since the show finished airing so thankfully, I don't think he ended up with any of them! Phew!
Nick - Omg! What were you thinking! Ok, so Steph wasn't your cup of tea...fair enough! But then to pick Kristy! Far out! I think that Nick would have been better off not picking anyone and doing a Howie! Lol! Anyway, he's obviously another one singing 'Oh Lonesome Me!' behind the cattle sheds atm (or in his case, the wine sheds!).
Ben - My favourite! I think that this couple really had the most satisfying ending! You know...he originally picked the vet (letting his head overrule his heart) but with a bit of prodding from her, then returned to Sarah! Woo hoo! Blind Freddy could see that they were perfect together! She seemed like a fabulous girl and they blended so well on tv. Hooray for true fairy tale endings!
Slow Start
1 week ago