Kid story #1!
The brag: At school the twelve year old entered the Rio Tinto Big Science Competition. Results came back last week and he earned a Distinction Certificate. Woo hoo! This places him in the top 12 % off the state, apparently!
He is, however, a bit slim on the 'informing parents of important school events' front! I had to find out from other school parents that there was a school dance on next Friday night. When I asked him about this, was he even remotely interested in going to it? Nope! His reason? Why, the football is on tv, of course! Now should I be worried that he's not interested in going to the dance or rejoicing cause he's more interested in football than dancing with girls?
Kid story #2!
The brag: Miss Eight, who got an excellent school report, btw, topped it off with doing her own PB at the recent sports day. My children are not particularly gifted athletically, so any ribbon is, for them, an achievement. So what were her results? Fourth in the 200 metres race, second in the 60 metre race and second in the relay (where she just pipped the girl coming third by a nose-length).
And her secret weapon for doing her best? Pretend, while you are running that your mean big brother is angry and chasing you with a stick! It works every time!
Kid story #3!
Queensland public schools have had, for years, a non-compulsory religious education system in place where representatives of local churches come into classrooms and teach non-denominational bible studies on a volunteer basis. During such a recent classroom lesson, the following was heard to take place:
RE teacher: God is our father and we are all of his children, each and every one of us!
Child: Even our teacher?
Re teacher: Yes, even your teacher!
Child: Wow! That means I'm related to my teacher!
And is of Miss Eight doing Twinkle, Twinkle at her recent violin recital. Not too bad considering that she's only been learning for about 6 months. Now, if anyone can tell me how to turn the view to the right, I'd appreciate it! I've searched high and low for an editing button that will rotate it but cannot find one. Also, it was taken on my mobile telephone and as I was sitting wayyyy down the back, the view isn't fantastic, but you get the idea!
Slow Start
1 week ago