Life is hectic so this is one of those 'excuse posts' for why I haven't posted!
1. My pictures won't load from my iPhone to the computer! No idea why! It's so annoying cause I have a gorgeous picture or two to!
2. We got carpet laid! Anyone who has done this will be taking sympathy on me about now! It was a whole weekend of moving the furniture of half of our house! What a job! Boxes and boxes of important items/junk/crap....along with the furniture....had to be moved out of five rooms and stored into 2 rooms! It was a nightmare and I still cannot get my car in the garage as my kids decided to store some of their belongings there and it is a standoff as to who puts it back!
3. Work! I know, we all blame work....but I have worked a few extra days know the rest!
4. High school interviews. Can you believe that my baby is going to high school interviews? She has another 18 months to wait, but after sitting through interviews, waiting on offers and taking up an acceptance, she is counting down!
5. Children who have a social life that is better than mine......enough said!!!
6. The study renovation! As I type this I am actually sitting in it....although it's not finished! More on that to come!
7. Sport...the netball season has begun and that takes out our Saturday mornings again.
8. Running to doctors. I was sick with swollen, aching joints. I went to doctor...had blood test...went back to doctor....went to specialist....went for another blood test....went back to doctor....went for another blood test.....went back to doctor is a virus! They have no idea what but it mimicked arthritic symptoms and was very painful. I'm on the mend now and my blood levels are returning to normal! Phew!
9. Ok, I'm at a loss about here....but you get my drift! I've been busy!
I am hoping to have pics etc up soon! Right now, I am off to pick up my teenager who is currently enjoying himself at a Good Charlotte concert!
Slow Start
1 week ago