To say that your life can be turned upside down in the blink of a moment is so true. But this last six months seems to be a series of many moments that have meant that this blog site is really, really neglected.
There have been good times....a trip to Thailand and a trip for a family wedding to Tasmania in September.
And there have been bad. No, I'm not seriously ill, although have been diagnosed with a form of arthritis that means that I'm on prednisone for the long term. There is hope that it will disappear after a couple of years, but who knows. Apparently, I am very young to suffer from it. Just my luck!
There have been family issues as well, but that's not my story to tell. Needless to say, the stress has been huge. If you are still here after all of this time then I thank you for your loyalty. I don't know if I'll be posting regularly. I'm going back to work full time in 2012! Scary and probably crazy given the arthritis (but now it's under control I do feel like a new woman....and have not had one migraine since I've been medicated. The migraines plagued me for years and I thought it was a post script of glandular fever back in the early 90s. Now I know!)
I have thought long and hard about deleting my blog but decided not to. I love my blog list and refer to it often to visit fabulous fellow-bloggers. I am thinking of turning comments off soon though.
So thanks again for all of your loyalty. Maybe I will be able to get in here and post more will just depend on time and my energy levels! Wish me luck!
Slow Start
1 week ago